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injected ​

Connector for EIP-1193 Ethereum Providers.

Import ​

import { injected } from '@wagmi/vue/connectors'

Usage ​

import { createConfig, http } from '@wagmi/vue'
import { mainnet, sepolia } from '@wagmi/vue/chains'
import { injected } from '@wagmi/vue/connectors'

export const config = createConfig({
  chains: [mainnet, sepolia],
  connectors: [injected()],
  transports: {
    []: http(),
    []: http(),

Parameters ​

import { type InjectedParameters } from '@wagmi/vue/connectors'

shimDisconnect ​

boolean | undefined

  • MetaMask and other injected providers do not support programmatic disconnect.
  • This flag simulates the disconnect behavior by keeping track of connection status in storage. See GitHub issue for more info.
  • Defaults to true.
import { injected } from '@wagmi/vue/connectors'

const connector = injected({
  shimDisconnect: false, 

target ​

TargetId | (TargetMap[TargetId] & { id: string }) | (() => (TargetMap[TargetId] & { id: string }) | undefined) | undefined

import { injected } from '@wagmi/vue/connectors'

const connector = injected({
  target() { 
    return { 
      id: 'windowProvider', 
      name: 'Window Provider', 
      provider: window.ethereum, 

unstable_shimAsyncInject ​

boolean | number | undefined

Watches for async provider injection via the ethereum#initialized event. When true, defaults to 1_000 milliseconds. Otherwise, uses a provided value of milliseconds.

import { injected } from '@wagmi/vue/connectors'

const connector = injected({
  unstable_shimAsyncInject: 2_000, 

Released under the MIT License.